How to sign a document with a qualified signature?


In the process of signing a document with the SimplySign qualified electronic signature, you need:

  •  e-mail address used during the verification process
  • a one-time Token code that you can generate using the SimplySign mobile app on your phone
  • PIN code which you've chosen in the process of assigning a qualified signature

The signing process is carried out as follows.

  1. You receive a message to your e-mail address including a link redirecting you directly to a document on the Autenti platform.
    Zrzut ekranu 2021-03-29 o 15.49.48
  2. Read the content of the document, check the required declarations and consents. Select your certified electronic signature provider – SimplySign and click the 'next' button.
    Obraz 07.04.2021, godz. 13.46
  3. In the next step, you enter your e-mail address and the one-time Token code.
    Click "Next" and select your certificate.
    Obraz 07.04.2021, godz. 13.49
  4. A window will open, where you enter your individual PIN code. Click "sign".

The document has been successfully signed and Autenti will inform all persons involved in the process about this.