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Electronic Signatures
Qualified electronic signature
Autenti E-signature
E-signature validator
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Account creation and activation
Types of accounts
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Deleting an account
Using Autenti
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Sending a document
Signing a document
Autenti Classic
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Adress book
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Mass signing
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Help Center
Using Autenti
Getting Started
Electronic Signatures
Qualified electronic signature
Autenti E-signature
E-signature validator
Account and Billing
Logging in and password
Account creation and activation
Types of accounts
Account settings
Deleting an account
Using Autenti
Solving problems
Sending a document
Signing a document
Autenti Classic
Giving opinions
Adress book
Shared documents
Mass signing
Security & Legal Issues
GDPR & Privacy Policy
Account Protection
Compliance with generally applicable laws
Autenti Academy
Using Autenti
Discover all the possibilities of Autenti. Use the platform and its functionalities exactly as you need them.
How can an activation code be used?
Solving problems
I received a message that an unexpected error has occurred. What to do?
What should I do when the email with the document for signature has not arrived?
Where can I report a bug or a problem?
What does the padlock next to the document mean?
Can I restore a document that was moved to the archive?
What are drafts?
Can I restore a withdrawn document?
How can I search for documents?
What is Document ID?
Can I delete a document?
Can I withdraw a document?
How to download a document?
Can I forward the document to another recipient?
Can I remind the recipient to sign the document?
What are document statuses?
Can I edit document statuses?
What is the document archive used for?
How many documents can I send in the Trial?
Does the withdrawal of the document restore the used limit?
See more
Sending a document
“You do not have the appropriate permissions”. What do I do if I see this message when sending a document?
“Securing a ZIP file with an SMS code” - what does it mean when sending a document?
“Securing document access with an SMS code” - what does it mean when sending a document?
How can I send a document?
Why can't I add a file?
What kinds of files can I add?
What is the acceptable file size?
What is the name of the document?
Can I attach a message to recipients?
Can I change the language version of the document?
How can I add a recipient?
Can I set up the order of the signatories?
Can I add people for review?
Can I send more than one file for signature?
Can I add a new recipient to my address book?
I cannot send the document. What to do?
I've sent the document to the wrong e-mail address. What now?
I was logged out while sending the document. Where can I find the document?
Can I return to creating my document later?
What if the document to be signed contains incorrect data?
Sending documents in workflow with existing signatures
See more
Signing a document
How to open a secure document with an SMS code?
Can I sign documents on the Autenti platform while staying in a country other than Poland?
Do I need an account on the Autenti platform to sign the document?
What is an electronic seal?
Can I forward the document to someone else for signature?
Can I sign a document without logging into the application?
How to reject a document?
What should I do when I don't want to sign a document?
After rejecting the document, can I correct the document and send it again?
How to download a signed document?
How can I sign a document electronically?
The OTP code ("one-time password") sent to me by text message did not arrive. What should I do?
I forgot my login to the qualified certificate. What should I do in this situation?
I forgot my PIN code to the qualified certificate. What should I do in this situation?
The sender requires me to sign the document with a qualified electronic signature, but I don't have it. What to do?
What is the Autenti Signatures & seals?
How to check who, besides me, has received the document for signature?
What does it mean when the document has been rejected?
Can I sign a document on the platform that has been signed outside Autenti?
I've signed a document without logging into the application. Will I see it in the application?
I've received a link to the document, but I can't sign it. Why?
How long is the link with the document to sign valid?
The link to the document has expired. What should I do in this situation?
Is it possible to withdraw the signature, made on the document?
Does Autenti support certificates on a physical card?
Default Role and Signature Type
Signature Visualization
See more
Autenti Classic
Is the document signed by Autenti Classic stored on the platform?
What signature can I use to sign a document?
What types of files can I add to Autenti Classic?
What is Autenti Classic and what is it used for?
Why is the document I've signed via Autenti Classic not visible in the document list?
What is the acceptable file size for Autenti Classic?
Why can't I add a file in Autenti Classic?
See more
What are the certificates?
Can one certificate be assigned to multiple accounts in Autenti?
Can I have several certificates assigned to one account?
How to check the validity period of my certificate?
What is an initial?
Who can use the initialling function?
How to use initialling?
Can I sign and initial a document at the same time?
Can I send a reminder about a requirement to initial the document?
Can I reject a document while being the initialling person?
Do I need to have an account on the platform when initialling?
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Giving opinions
What is giving an opinion on a document?
Adress book
Where is the address book located?
Can I edit fields in the address book?
Shared documents
What are shared documents?
What are shared labels?
Who can send documents under a shared label?
Why can't I see shared documents?
Who is the "Moderator"?
Why can't I see shared documents?
Can I restore a deleted label?
When deleting a shared label, will documents marked with it also be deleted?
How can I assign a shared label to a document?
How do I grant user permissions to shared labels?
Can I assign a label after sending the document?
Can I grant a permission for labels to someone outside my organisation?
Who can manage shared labels?
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Mass signing
What is mass signing with a qualified electronic signature?
What types of signatures are supported in mass signing?
How many documents can I sign at once?
Can I sign documents requiring different types of signatures at the same time?
Is the signing process entirely online?
Can I continue working on the platform during mass signing?
What does the mass signing process look like?
Is mass signing with a qualified electronic signature legally binding?
What file formats does mass signing support?
How long does the signing process take?
How can I test mass signing with a qualified signature?
Can I add a visual representation of the signature on the document?
Can I use different qualified signature providers within one signing process?
Can I sign documents that have already been partially signed?
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